Serap Keser

Hi, my name is Serap Keser, I am one of the pandemy artists.
I was born in Ankara, Turkey and now I am living with my family, (me, my huaband and my daughter)
In covid lockdown, painting was a therapy for me and lockdown turned it to an opportunity to me.
I am retired from finace sector where I worked 24 years in banking. I started painting in 2019 with oil
painting and after one year I met with watercolour, botanical painting. I am 48 years now and started
watercolor in 2020. I have a botanical painting certificate from Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanic Garden and
also I have just completed London Art College one year Botanical painting diploma course I am very
proud to graduate with a distinction degree I saw practicing and practicing made really great
progress and brought success. I am still attending to the courses of my tutor Pınar Yılmaz.
I am so happy to be a member of ABBA( Association of British Botanical Artists)
I loved realistic botanical painting and where I am now. I opened my instagram account to follow my
progress and share them with art lovers.