Elçin Çubuk, who did her art education at DGSA, started to paint the character of “My daughter”, which she drew with her graphic designer identity. Prominent feature of the image, which lived on in the story, enthusiastic lines and vivid colors. Bird motif; inner voice that logic, the cat; feeling, lines on the faces of the characters explains the dilemma. Pessimistic sentiment, makes merry with the artists paintings. Elçin says; “This is how photos can spice up designing a dark day, I worked on how I can make you feel the music with visual design. With times my emotions and my friends’ emotions get together, united through music and songs in my paintings and show up even more colorful pictures.” Elçin studied Fine Arts in Graphic Art Department, in 1981. For many years she served as an artistic director of the international advertising companies and advertising agencies abroad. After Elçin’s Ayvalık and Cunda Taş coffee pictures, book illustrations and pastel works, she brought together the ”My daughter” typing with the words and colors on the canvas.