Gurbuz Dogan Eksioglu

Internationally renowned cartoonist and graphic artist Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu was born in Mesudiye, Turkey in 1954. He has been working as a cartoonist since 1977. He has won 72 awards, 27 international and 45 national. His works has been published in 19 countries, he had 39 personal exhibitions, including one in New York. His illustrations have featured on many books, magazines and other publications’ front covers and pages. His illustrations have been published 7 times on the front cover of the world famous magazine The New Yorker, he also has featured in Forbes, The Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times Newspaper, Op-Ed page and the book review supplement. Unicef has used his work printing and selling over 300.000 post cards worldwide. He has 4 published books. He is currently teaching at Yeditepe University Faculty of Fine Arts and has a studio in Moda, İstanbul.