She was born in Istanbul in 1980. She completed master’s degree in 2005 and his doctorate in 2013
at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting. In 2019, she worked at
Accademia Di Belle Arti Macerata in Italy within the scope of Erasmus. She completed his second
PhD in Graphic Design at Gazi University in 2020. The artist, who held eleven solo exhibitions and
participated in many national and international events, has works in private and institutional
collections. The artist, who has art writings, book illustrations and curating works, focuses on the
concepts of vulnerability, introversion, loneliness, innocence, uncanny and anthropocene in her
works. Working with different techniques and production tools on the narration parts, the artist
continues her life and productions in Ankara. She also works as a Associate Professor at Karatay