Artist’s Biography
2002 Graduated from İnönü University Fine Arts Education Graphic Department.
2005 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic Department
2006 International Kervansaray Meeting Art Workshop Practitioner
2008 I. Personal Exhibition “First” / ANKARA
2008 Graduated from Gazi University Graphic Department graduate program.
2011 II. Solo Exhibition “Fail-i Mizah” / ISTANBUL
2015 Yıldız Technical University Art and Design Faculty Compound Arts PhD Registration
2016 International ENGRAVIST Art Workshop
- International Jury Exhibition with the theme “Geometry from Seljuks to Today”
2017 III. Solo Exhibition “Development” / ISTANBUL
2019 International Çukurova cartoon Festival Guest Artist
He prepared a Master’s Thesis on “The relationship between creativity and cartoon in art”.
The artist’s works have been exhibited in many places at home and abroad, published in magazines such as Karakalem, İnat (National) and Donquichotte (Germany)
and received several awards.
The disciplines in which he is interested in the production process are Graphic Humor and Contemporary Art productions.
The artist continues his Art Works in Istanbul and The artist continues his art under the name (nickname) of the “BAKIR”